Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit

Smilodon by Robert Neumann (DEU)

Robert’s Smilodon sinks its iron teeth into the rocks and moves towards its goal.

Photo: Robert Neumann
Flatgekko™ LCG Crawler System


Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit
Flatgekko™ C23 Supaflat LCG CMS Chassis Kit


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Smilodon by Robert Neumann (DEU)
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