Péter simply loves his rig, he really enjoyed every minute of the construction.
Built by Angelo for SORRCA Class 2 and it weighs 2475g with -50 scale points and he is absolutely happy with the...
Tobi's Yuuki™ FS1 V1 Maxxx™ LCG AMS Chassis Kit based Helga is a hot lady with great decal stickers.
Rostislav's actual set up resulting to 1th place in C3 Class in a local comp.
1st Build is Asa's first carbon fiber chassis build.
Bálint's Flatgekko™ moves on the rocks like a real gecko.
Alessandro's Ciupacapra is a real rock crawler Flatgekko rig!
The Flatgekko is one of the best chassis base which I had the pleasure to hold in my hands.
Georgios' build is doing very well and still has ways to make it even better.
Robert's Smilodon sinks its iron teeth into the rocks and moves towards its goal.
Dennis is so impressed with the geometry of this chassis!